1.  Problem Skin: Broken Capillaries

Broken Capillaries

The very finest branches of the blood vessel system that serve the face can sometimes become broken. Usually the problem is concentrated on the cheeks although the whole face can be affected.

Broken capillaries seem to affect those with delicate and fragile skin, although this may in part be due to the fact that they just show more clearly than in thicker skin. Stimulants such as alcohol, coffee, sun, and wind are often the cause. These are the oils to use for their treatment

When making your own treatment oil or following the formula below, mix the essential oils together first and allow them to interact with ergistic each other to make a syneffect before adding to the base oil:

  • Parsley 20 drops
  • Geranium 10 drops
  • Cypress 5 drops

Dilute in 2 tablespoons almond oil to which you have added 10 drops of evening primrose

2. Problem Skin: Whiteheads /Milia

Whiteheads /Milia

When sebum gets trapped in a duct that has no opening on the surface a hard white lump appears. Milia usually affect dry skin and they can also appear after some damage has been done to the skin. Unfortunately, if you have had these for some time they will need to be removed by a beautician. But recently formed milia can be dispersed by massage. Use the following:

      • Bergamot: 5 drops
      • Thyme linalol: 5 drops

Diluted in 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

Use a very small amount of the oil to massage the milia twice a day, in the morning and at night. This will allow the milia to be reabsorbed by the body.

3. Problem Skin: Blackheads/Comedones


Blocked sebum becomes a blackhead when the surface cells develop sulphides which, in contact with the oxygen, turn the cells black. The main problem with blackheads, apart from their unsightliness, is that they can become infected when removed and the opening just gets filled up once again with more sebum. This condition is related to seborrhea, overproduction of the sebaceous glands.

But even a dry skinned person can develop blackheads, especially on the nose or chin, Blackheads can appear practically anywhere on the body, as well as on the face. A major culprit area is the back, but they can also be found on the chest, under arms, neck, and even around the pubic area. Wherever they are to be found, the treatment for blackheads is the same–they need removing.

Steaming provides an excellent way to loosen blackheads while the pores are opened. Get a bowl of hot, steaming water, drop some lavender oil on the water and put 1 cover your head with a towel, making sure the sides are closed, and steam your face for ten minutes. Rinse the face now with 1 teaspoon of cider vinegar in hot–but not boiling- -water. If the blackhead is loose, gently squeeze, taking care not to damage the skin. Then splash the face with this special mix:

      • Mineral water: 2 ounces
      • Cider vinegar: 2 teaspoons
      • Dầu Cây phỉ (Witch hazel): 1 teaspoons
      • Bergamot: 2 drops
      • Cypress: 2 drops

After dabbing the skin dry, massage the following oil into the skin. This will help prevent blackheads recurring while also loosening the ones that are already established:

      • Violet leaf: 5 drops
      • Lemongrass: 5 drops
      • Lavender: 2 drops
      • Clary-sage: 2 drops
      • Thyme linalol: 5 drops
      • Jojoba: 5 drops

Diluted in 2 tablespoons of almond oil.

Massage morning and night; use only pure soap; use eye makeup if you wish but avoid face makeup and powder.

4. Problem Skin: Spot

Have you ever noticed how spots seem to  break out  when they are least wanted?

I know a woman who didn’t have a single blemish on her skin until the day she got married, when, big spot appeared on the end of her nose! A spot can only “know” when it will be least welcome if it’s picking up signals from us, so instead of expressing negative fear–“I hope won’t get a spot on my big date“. –try some positive certainty: “My skin is going to look great.” If you already have a spot or one that’s on its way, apply the formula below while saying, “This spot is going to go”–and try to believe it!

Just smear a little of the Spot Mix neat on the troubled area of the skin twice a day. Allow three days for the spot to clear.

      • Camphor: 1 drops
      • Lemon: 1 drops
      • Lavender: 1 drops
      • Blend in 6 drops evening primrose oil

Small quantities of essential oil like this can be mixed in, and used from, an eggcup. If you are going to need larger quan- tities mix the three component oils in equal proportions in a bottle where a synergistic interaction between the molecules can take place, so that they are even more potent when you come to use them.

5. Problem Skin: Acne

Beauty is more than skin deep, but it can be hard for you –and other people– to remember that when you have acne. What you more usually see is an oily skin with a profusion of blackheads and pustules (spots) and sometimes too, scarring, pitting, and inflammation. Acne occurs not only on the face, but on the neck, back, and chest as well. Secondary infection by bacteria, usually staphylococcal, causes even more problems. Not only is acne unsightly, it is painful as well.

The temptation to squeeze the spots and remove the infected pus is great, and although the hope might be to improve the look of the skin, it only makes matters worse. Not only does it cause scarring, but the pus can infect other areas of the skin in the process. This is how one comes by the familiar pitted skin that invariably lasts throughout adulthood.

Mụn trứng cá
Problem Skin: Acne

Although acne is very often a problem that starts with puberty, it can appear at any time. I have had patients who developed the problem in their thirties, as well as those in their twenties. Acne is often the result of seborrhea — overproduction of fat from the sebaceous glands –and this can be traced back to a hormonal imbalance. It is thought that too much of the male hormone androgen is produced. Women too experience hormonal-related acne, usually around the time of premenstrual syndrome.

Essential oil treatments combined with a sensible diet, exercise, and fresh air often clear up the problem. Lymphatic flow is increased, allowing toxic wastes to be taken away, and the circulation is improved, which allows oxygen and nutrients to reach the skin in greater quantity. The bactericide and antiinflammatory properties of essential oils are obviously extremely useful in helping the healing process. The relaxant properties of essential oils also play their part as stress is a precursor of increased sebum production.

Stimulants should be avoided. Smoking can aggravate the condition, as can alcohol, coffee, tea, and even chocolate. It is not the fattening aspect of chocolate that concerns us here but the chemical stimulants it contains, especially phenylethylamine and theobromine that imitate our hormones; and the caffeine and sugar chocolate contains make it doubly bad for acne.

For some people, cutting out dairy products, especially cream and hard cheese, helps enormously. Fruits, surprisingly perhaps, do not help acne because of their high sugar content, but vegetables do. Antibiotics are often prescribed for acne but they only treat the symptoms temporarily, and as they kill off the friendly intestinal bacteria we need to digest and eliminate toxins efficiently, they can make matters worse in the long run.

Retin A is used with great success, as is vitamin A You can of course take advantage of this simply by applying carrot oil, an extremely rich source of beta carotene and a natural source of vitamin A.

The treatment that follows comes in three stages and these are the oils to use:


Is to promote healing, reduce inflammation, and gently start to correct the imbalance of sebum production. This is done by using a routine over fourteen days, and it will take patience and more time for the acne to heal completely.

Use no harsh products –for cleaning the face use pure soap only and rinse at least twenty-five times with the tap running. Use warm water, not hot or cold. In the final rinse water put 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar, then pat the skin dry. During the day, wear the following oil. Do not wear any facial makeup whatsoever, nor any special coverups. Just the oil:

  • Chamomile German 10 drops
  • Myrrh 3 drops
  • Palma rosa 10 drops
  • Yarrow 5 drops
  • Chamomile Roman 7 drops
  • Carrot 20 drops

Diluted in 2 tablespoons of almond oil.

The carrot oil is bright orange and when on the skin gives you a healthy look. Leave the oil to soak into the skin for five minutes and then dab off the excess with a tissue.

In the evening, after cleansing and rinsing, rub 5 drops of neat night oil number one over the whole of the affected area and then apply a number two to the area. Leave this in place coating of night oil for five minutes and then wipe off the excess. Do not use any other cream, lotion, or potion.

  • Carrot oil 30 drops
  • Borage seed 60 drops
  • Chamomile German 5 drops

Blend together and use 5 drops each evening

  • Rose 10 drops
  • Palma rosa 10 drops
  • Chamomile Roman 5 drops
  • Myrrh 5 drops

Diluted in 2 tablespoons of base oil.

During these fourteen days get into the fresh air as much as possible. Eat only “live” food –fresh vegetables, fruit in moderation, grains, pulses, carbohydrates, and fish. Drink herbal teas and plenty of mineral water.

All additives and preservatives and the like must be avoided. Avoid any red meat or white that contains traces of an- tibiotics and hormones–which unless you have access to organically bred meats, means cut them all out. Increase your zinc with supplements and increase your vitamins C and B intake. Use no face masks or steam treatments during this time.


is to fight infection and continue the rebalancing program. Clean as before only this time make up a bottle that contains the following ingredients and use 1 teaspoon in the final rinse, patting dry afterwards.

  • Cider vinegar 4 ounces
  • Lavender 20 drops
  • Eucalyptus radiata 20 drops

Depending on the time of the day, use the appropriate oil below:

  • Eucalyptus radiata 5 drops
  • Clary-sage 5 drops
  • Thyme linalol 5 drops
  • Lavender 15 drops
  • Carrot 5 drops

Diluted in 3 tablespoons of almond oil.

Leave the oil to soak into the skin for five minutes and then wipe off the excess with a tissue.

  • Eucalyptus radiata 5 drops
  • Clary-sage 5 drops
  • Thyme linalol 5 drops
  • Lavender 15 drops
  • Carrot 5 drops

Diluted in 3 tablespoons of almond oil.

Leave the oil to soak into the skin for five minutes and then wipe off the excess with a tissue.

  • Evening primrose 30 drops
  • Carrot 20 drops
  • Bergamot 10 drops
  • Lavender 5 drops
  • Geranium 5 drops
  • Eucalyptus radiata 10 drops

Diluted in 3 tablespoons of almond oil.

Leave the oil to soak into the skin for five minutes and then wipe off the excess.

Follow the dietary advice outlined in stage one and continue stage two treatment for fourteen days.


is the last stage of the battle and by now your skin may look so much better you decide not to continue the treatment. But if you want to see further improvements, you must continue for another fourteen days. Use the cleansing rinse outlined in stage two, both morning and night, pat the face dry, and use the relevant day or night treatments below:

  • Neroli 10 drops
  • Fennel 5 drops
  • Geranium 5 drops
  • Parsley 5 drops
  • Lemon 5 drops

Diluted in 3 tablespoons of almond oil.

Leave the oil to soak into the skin for five minutes and then wipe off the excess.

  • Rose 10 drops
  • Violet leaf 8 drops
  • Carrot 10 drops
  • Galbanum 4 drops
  • Lemon 8 drops

Diluted in 3 tablespoons of almond oil.

When the six weeks are up continue to use the essential oils, choosing from those in the oily skin sections. Use only one hundred percent pure soaps and avoid harsh acne preparations.

6. Problem Skin: Rosacea

Problem Skin: Rosacea

Rosacea is often mistaken for acne because it is very similar and, like acne, it is associated with excessive oiliness. This condition seldom affects anyone under thirty years of age and it can be very distressing when it develops.

Usually, the nose and cheeks are the worst affected areas, and these become flushed red in appearance as spots (pustules) and lumps cover the skin. The treatment is similar to that for acne, except that the essential oils used are different. Follow the dietary and vitamin advice in the “Acne” section and intake carry out the cleansing and rinsing routine given there.

Treatment comes in two stages, each of fourteen days.


Follow the instructions for acne, stage one, but using the following formulas:

  • Chamomile German 15 drops
  • Parsley 15 drops

Diluted in 3 tablespoons of almond oil.

  • Galbanum 5 drops
  • Carrot 15 drops
  • Chamomile German 10 drops
  • Parsley 15 drops

Diluted in 3 tablespoons of almond oil.

After fourteen days, follow the instructions for acne, stage two, using the following formulas:

  • Cypress 15 drops
  • Geranium 15 drops

Diluted in 3 tablespoons of almond oil.

  • Violet leaf 10 drops
  • Hyssop 5 drops
  • Eucalyptus radiata 15 drops

Diluted in 3 tablespoons almond oil

7. Problem Skin: Puffiness or Hydrated Skin

Problem Skin: Puffiness or Hydrated Skin

When skin has a spongy texture it usually means that it has become waterlogged. This retention of water by the body may be related to the menstrual cycle, the result of a previous illness, or a reaction to certain drugs. Allergies, hay fever, and sinus problems can all lead to puffy eyes and face. Puffiness can also be a sign of illness, and is one of the first signs of an oedemic condition. Use these oils:

  • Lavender 10 drops
  • Sandalwood 5 drops
  • Fennel 10 drops
  • Cypress 5 drops

Diluted in 3 tablespoons of almond oil.

  • Carrot 5 drops
  • Juniper 5 drops
  • Patchouli 5 drops
  • Rose 10 drops
  • Sandalwood 10 drops

Diluted in 3 tablespoons apricot kernel oil

This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment.


100% Natural essential oils; alcohol-free; chemical-free; Paraben-free

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