Feet are often the most neglected area of the body, particularly when it comes to beauty care. And yet our feet are our most faithful friends, plodding on day after day carrying our weight, constantly under pressure, running for buses, walking up and over the dales, and generally making our active lives possible. It is only when they begin to hurt that we look down and notice them.

Feet are very undemanding when you think of all they have to do, and they are modest too. You wouldn’t think it to look at them, but they actually contain 72,000 nerve endings–which is why a foot massage makes the entire body feel so wonderfully relaxed.

If we do something even as simple as paddling in the sea or putting our feet in a bowl of warm water, the results are more rewarding than we might expect. Feet also act as the electrical interface between us and the earth, and it is through them that we are able to discharge and “ground” the static that builds up within us.

You know how pent-up you feel after a week of walking on concrete and how marvelous it feels to throw off the shoes at the weekend and walk on the grass. This affords an actual electrical release, an “earthing” which gives us a relief that seems out of proportion to the act itself.

Some people think that feet are ugly, and when you consider how neglected and put upon they are, who is surprised? Silently they suffer as we squeeze them into ill-fitting shoes, until one day they just can’t take any more and they develop a problem. Then they cry for help.

But why wait until then? They deserve more, and the essential oils provide a fabulous and effective way to give them a treat. Even if we have let things go too far, the oils can do much to right the balance.

Hard skin that is allowed to build up on the feet can cause pain later on in life and should be tackled as soon as it starts to appear–or, better still, prevent it from appearing at all. Pumice stone, a natural volcanic rock, is a wonder for smoothing away hard skin and preventing buildup.

Hard Skin Preventativ

  • Base oil 1 teaspoon
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Calendula (or tagetes) 5 drops

Rub the pumice stone all over the foot, paying particular attention to the sides of the feet, the ball, and heel. This is easier to do after a bath. Then rub salt all over the foot, massaging it in well. Finally, massage with the essential oil blended in the base oil–again, rubbing it in well. If you already have a heavy buildup of dead skin get a chiropodist to slough it off for you and then follow the treatment above.

Feet benefit from the following essential oils:

  • Peppermint: refreshing–great before a party or after a long day out shopping.
  • Calendula or Tagetes: good for hard skin and corn.
  • Lavender, chamomile, fennel: a great help to tired, swollen feet; use them alone or mix in equal parts.
  • Geranium: strengthens the skin and improves elasticity; helps prevent blistering and improves circulation in the feet.

All feet will benefit from a soak in a bowl of warm water in which a dozen or so small, round pebbles have been placed, along with a tablespoon of salt and 4 drops of your favorite essential oils.

You can inhale the gorgeous aroma while you sensuously rub the soles of your feet back and forth over the pebbles. Do it slowly–and enjoy it. After dabbing dry, massage the following oil well into the whole of the foot, time to massage the taking toes:


  • Palmarosa 6 drops
  • Lemon 4 drops
  • Thyme linalol 3 drops
  • Benzoin 2 drops

Blend together in these proportions and use 5 drops in 1 teaspoon jojoba oil. A few special treatments are all you will need to get your neglected feet back into shape.

Feet Care

Wish you always healthy and happy in life.

  • This article is for reference only and to share experiences, and is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment.
  • Source: THE COMPLETE BOOK OF ESSENTIAL OILS & AROMATHERAPY – Valerie Ann Worwood & Essential Oil Natural Remedies – ALTHEA PRESS

Please see more: Using Essential Oils For Nail Care; Body Packs And Scrubs